Photo by Alan Mathew Photography
Our Story.
By Jeremiah George
Growing up, I always had a curiosity towards clothing (outside of my mom dressing me to match my brothers for Sunday church service). While my dream of having a means to make unique outfits only grew as I got older, the reality of the dream was rapidly dying due to something my parents thought was more reasonable - becoming an orthopedic surgeon (shocker, right?). That dream died when my MCAT scores came back. While pursuing fashion never seemed practical, God never makes mistakes for those who follow His will. The desire to be in the clothing industry was good, but my motivation for it was not.
In the summer of 2018, I was a part of the leadership team for camp designated for believers. Prior to the event, the Lord put on our hearts to pray for incredible, life-changing things to abound during the camp. When the event began, our prayers began to intensify. We became desperate to see God move. As we joined with the attendees in prayer and worship, crazy things started to happen. Demonic spirits began to manifest in a few people. While hardly any of us leaders had prior experience in this, we began to do the only thing we knew would work… pray. The Lord used a group of us to cast out demons in Jesus’ name. God empowered us as we pressed into His presence for guidance and strength. It was one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever been a part of. We were up til almost 5am praying for those who were demon possessed. At this time I called our group the “demon busters” cause we were like the ghost busters, but we were too legit to quit. However, some elderly leaders did not believe we should have tried to cast out the evil spirits that were manifesting in a few of the attendees because there were some that weren’t completely delivered, and we aren’t “pastors” or “elders”. This got me fired up because that is NOT what the Bible says. The Word of God states that ALL of us have the authority to “overcome all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19 ESV).” Thus, the first shirt idea was born.
The Demon Busters shirt is a proclamation to all that ANYONE who is a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ has POWER to drive out ANYTHING! God never established an age limit. The supernatural should be natural for a child of God. You have authority. If you didn’t know that, now you know! Do NOT let ANYONE or YOURSELF tell you that you can’t do crazy amazing things for The Kingdom. God wants to use you to do the impossible. There’s nothing the Lord can’t do through someone like you.
While the Demon Busters shirt was the first one I designed, I still wasn’t ready to start a brand. Matter of fact, I was scared of the idea of having people rate my product and avoid the apparel. I was being a negative Nancy… (sorry to all the Nancies out there! You can still be positive.)
It all started with the basics… prayer.
Months had passed after I had made my first shirt. Still, the doubts to pull the trigger on selling clothes persisted. I was organizing a conference that was to be held in November called Catalyst Conference 2018, and my church had a 21-day fast prior to the event. During this time, the Lord pushed me to spend more time in prayer. This birthed something within me. On October 26th, God pushed me to take a risk, purchase 24 Demon Busters shirts, and believe in faith that they would be sold. As someone without a job, this was difficult for me. However, I knew the Lord would provide because this was not my plan.
Needless to say, God took care of me. The support was a major encouragement, knowing others believed in what I was doing. Looking back, I should’ve made a post about the shirts on IG… I just did a story, but the Lord overcame my lack of faith in what God gave me. During the process, I was able to learn some aspects of what having a store would look like, such as how shipping fees were calculated, and how to build customer relationships. There was an excitement to all this knowledge. However, I still didn’t feel qualified to take the next step. After all, I only had one product.
Photo by Alan Mathew Photography
The week after Catalyst Conference, my mom and I decided to randomly drive over 8 hours to another conference. Long story short, God stirred my heart to pray more than ever before. I began to start consistently praying and interceding for my family, friends, and loved ones. All of a sudden, the Lord put on my heart to take another risk…by starting an apparel company. After a week of prayer, the foundation of Yirmiyahu Apparel was born, with multiple products. I began to share the e-commerce site that was hosting my products to a few friends who had bought the Demon Busters shirt. To my surprise, a few of them started to buy more products… I hadn’t even officially launched the store yet! With each customer, I made it my goal to connect with the individual, share the vision God gave me for the brand, and pray with them. This was the moment that I realized - this could actually be something special. The next week, the brand became officially certified as a business entity, and I began the construction of my own website.
These two weeks of prayer birthed something I could have never dreamt about. The beauty of it all is that there is still more to come. I want to make sure this brand doesn’t become just another “Christian” clothing company. My heart’s desire is to challenge everyone who wears the apparel to know their testimony of why they exalt Yahweh in their life. We are made to worship God with everything we do because He is worthy of all our praise. As believers, we are called to proclaim His name and be a light in the world. Our faith isn’t something we should be ashamed of. It should inspire others to live like we do. With consistent prayer, God will reveal to you what His heart is for your life. There is so much more to life than what we are living with now. Take a risk. Pray faithfully and watch the Lord blow your mind. I know mine is still trying to recover.
Let’s trust God to use us to do incredible things.
Dream Big. Cause God Dreams Bigger.
Jeremiah George
Founder & Creative Designer of Yirmiyahu Apparel